Our first camper
David has claimed all he needs is a coffee pot and a shower. We'll see how that works out for him! It's always good to have a deadline though, and the team has responded over the last month to make sure we have a place for the fearless leader to stay. As a result, we're really focused on getting the top two villas habitable and furnished. Manufacturing of the railing for the balconies is underway and our 40' container of solar panels should be arriving in St Thomas today. Tesla Powerwall preparation is moving along, and with any luck, we'll start mounting solar panels later this week. We're also finalizing the reservation system and hope to launch that this week! Just a bit more word smithing, and we'll be ready to go. The appliances are ready for final installation, furniture is being staged, and we are awaiting final electrical and fixture installation, plumbing, etc.
The Master bedroom almost ready to roll out the mattress. There will be a trim kit for the microwave oven to give it the built-in look. The fridge is small from a size perspective, but it is really spacious on the inside!
A high quality stacked washer and dryer will be in each home.
The upper 1-BR is just beyond the tower villa, and both homes will be ready to go this week and waiting on balcony railings and a few bits and pieces. The kitchen back splash is just now going in, with appliances ready to go. Check out the view looking north from the dining area! That's Jost in the background.
Poolside villa #2 has been getting some plastering and ceiling installed, but most of the finish guys have really been focusing on the top two villas Poolside villa #1 is getting electric finalized and will host the PowerWall installation in its large equipment room which will power the pool and the two poolside villas.
The entryway stairs to Poolside villa #1 were poured this week.
The pool is ready for tile and plaster, but this will have to wait while the team continues pressing on the top four units. There will be a LOT of tile on this pool!
Cameron went to Mongoose Junction on Friday night to support the Love City Pan Dragons during their fundraising concert. She is a girl on the go, but fortunately we had lots of help to keep track of her. Tag team parenting and grand parenting at its best.

It was also a beautiful week here and the flowers are blooming, so here's a few shots of beautiful St John to get you through the week!