Surprise! Saturday update!

I'm off to San Francisco for a few days, so you're getting your dose of Calichi at Picture Point a day early this week. This week we're focused on pouring the pool and the tower and platform for the tower villa. David and Mike are coming on June 10th to install the custom build out of the wine and owner's storage space , and we want to make sure the tower villa is ready for its arrival!

The "wine cellar" and viewing towerSheraz, Van Cito and the rest of the crew are finishing up the last bit of forming for the tower villa and viewing platform. The exterior wall of the pool is complete, the plumbing has been laid, electrical conduits for lights are almost complete and the crew is tying the tight weave of steel which will form the skeleton of the pool.

Tying steel for the pool[/caption] Poolside villa #1 is also moving forward as the interior ceiling and walls are in place and the crew is tying steel for the walls, and installing the columns.

Steel grid going in![/caption] The upper 1BR has another week of curing before the floor posts and ceiling forms can be removed, but Wayne has been back filling and readying the parking area and driveway. We're currently using the parking spot to store some pretty awesome boulders we'll be using as hard-scape in the future. [gallery ids="4066,4065" type="rectangular"] Next week we should have a pool poured. Have a great week, and for your final viewing pleasure, here's baby Cameron's first time at the helm of Calichi.!


The pool and some more pours...


Invest 97 comes back to life...